Blood Shadow

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Blood Shadow is a three part hentai OVA series created by Discovery. It also goes by the name Guren and Crimson Lotus. It was released in 2001.

In Feudal Japan, demons are rampaging the countryside, slaying humans and raping women. The Crimson Lotus, a group of female ninjas led by the swordman, Rekka are all the stand between the innocent and the wrath of the demons. But where are the demons coming from and can they be stopped?

Tropes used in Blood Shadow include:
  • Accidental Pervert: Rekka accidentally walks in on Haruka naked which gets a bucket thrown at his head.
  • All Amazons Want Hercules: The women Rekka has sex with are capable warriors in their own right. Even Kureha, a misandrist, falls hard for him after he kills Burai.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Haruka is a good person and becomes a valuable ally, but she has demonic blood within her that she is afraid of. Rekka helps her to realize her powers can't be bad if she uses them for good. She ends up using her powers to help Rekka slay Lord Yasha.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted with Tsukikage who is left heavily scarred after battling the demons.
    • Male example: Rekka gets a huge gash on his chest after killing Burai which disappears a few scenes later, not even leaving a scar.
  • Big Bad Lord Yasha, the leader of the Black Steel. He is responsible for the demons plaguing the land, sought to fuse humans and demons, and killed Haruka's father when he refused to go "beyond human." He is slain by the combined efforts of Rekka and Haruka in her demonic form.
  • Bigger Is Better in Bed: Averted with the demons. Their penises are extremely painful for the women and sex with them can be fatal. Played straight with Rekka, who is also massive but also quite gentle with the girls he has sex with.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Mikami's brother raped her while under demonic possession.
  • Chick Magnet: Rekka had sex with three girls, including a misandrist.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: When Nuu reveals his true form, he's shown to be such a weak demon, none of the Crimson Lotus bothered to kill him, though Rekka beat him up for being a pervert towards his team. He does however have a powerful fart attack he used to escape.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Being raped by the demons can be this. Once they climax inside you, you may end up exploding into a pile of gore.
  • Demonic Possession: Akane and Ayano get possessed by Burai's demonic servant, Sai, during the second OVA. Also in a flashback, Mikami's brother raped her due to being possessed by a demon.
  • Does Not Like Men: Kureha at first. She changes her mind when Rekka kills Burai.
  • Everyone Has Standards: The Crimson Lotus only slay evil demons and befriended a friendly forest gremlin that guarded the forest and tried to defend him from the villagers and were disgusted when their rivals, the Black Steel, seemingly kill him.
  • Evil All Along: The Black Steel are portrayed in the first OVA as assassins of the demons. By the third OVA it's revealed they weren't killing demons but capturing them to fuse humans and demons together to create a race of superhumans. The demons that were pillaging and raping were defects released into the wild.
  • Evil Old Folks: Gennai is an elderly scientist that shows no remorse for his role in creating the demons.
    • Burai looks like a muscular old man but as he's a demon his true age is unknown.
  • Fan Disservice: Any sex scene with the demons.
  • Genius Bruiser: Rekka is not only a skilled combatant, but was also strategic enough to defeat the demon sorcerer Burai and prepare some salve to heal Tsukikage and dress her wounds saving her life.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Akane, while under the possession of Sai, has sex with Ayano.
  • "Glad to Be Alive" Sex: Kureha has sex with Rekka after he slays the demon sorcerer Burai.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: Rekka is a good man who pleasures the three girls he has sex with, even making Kureha quit misandry after they had sex. Compare that to the demons where being raped by them is not only excruciatingly painful, but can even be fatal.
  • Harem Hero: Rekka is the male leader of a group of female ninjas.
  • Heel Face Turn: Akagane betrays the Black Steel when he learns they are the ones making the demons.
  • Hoist By Their Own Petard: The demons that kidnapped Haruka also raped a woman until she exploded. The gore awakened Haruka's demonic powers which she uses to kill the demons.
    • Gennai is killed by his creation Yama after she regains her human memories.
  • Horny Devils: The demons. Sex with them can be fatal or leave you near death. Tsukikage was lucky to be alive after her ordeal, especially when Rekka finds her and treats her wounds.
  • Hunk: A life of training with the Crimson Lotus left Rekka with a very muscular physique. And he's pretty handsome to boot and quite well-endowed.
    • Mikami's brother was this as well until he became possessed by a demon.
  • I Owe You My Life: Rekka towards both Haruka and Tsukikage.
  • It's Personal: Ayano and Akane killing Sai after he puts the two through demonic possession.
    • The Crimson Lotus towards the Black Steel after they're forced to kill the forest gremlin they befriended.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Haruka felt like this due to her demonic blood. Sex with Rekka fixed that.
  • Jerkass With a Heart of Gold: Kureha, despite being a misandrist, gave Rekka a powerful mirror that seals away demons so he could defeat Sai.
  • Latex Perfection: Haruka dressed up like an elderly woman likely to hide from the world because of her demonic powers.
  • Mercy Killing: The forest gremlin Rekka and the Crimson Lotus befriended in the first OVA begs them to kill him due to the experiments performed on him by the Black Steel which cause him to periodically mutate into a giant monster. The Crimson Lotus are forced to put him to rest because of it. The gremlin in his last moments thanks them for ending his suffering.
  • Mad Scientist: Gennai, who is employed by the Black Steel seeks to fuse demons and humans into one. He shows no remorse releasing the defects into the wild.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Rekka often shows off his muscular body and endowment when he has sex with his team.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Any female member of the Crimson Lotus. Even Haruka's demon form is pretty hot.
  • Muscles Are Meaningful: Rekka as a result of intense combat training is very muscular and a capable fighter.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: The female members of the Crimson Lotus may not be on Rekka's level, but are able to easily slaughter demons due to their training.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: While it technically wasn't his fault, Mikami's brother reacted this way after he raped her while under demonic possession.
  • Ninja: The Crimson Lotus.
  • Official Couple Rekka and Tsukikage.
  • Porn with Plot: Actually one of the few hentais that contains more plot than actual porn. You could call it your typical hero vs. demons anime with some sex thrown in.
  • Rape, Pillage and Burn: The demons do this for no reason other than being very horny for human women.
  • Scars Are Forever: Tsukikage is left heavily scarred after escaping the demons and left blinded in one eye. Averted with Rekka who gets a huge gash to his chest that disappears a couple scenes later.
  • Second Love: Both Haruka and Kureha could have been this but it's later revealed that Tsukikage was still alive.
  • Serial Romeo: Rekka values all the members of the Crimson Lotus whether they had sex with him or not.
  • Sex Is Evil: The demons when they rape women. Not only is it not portrayed positively, but it's also painful for the women and can be fatal.
  • Sex Is Good: Rekka when he has sex. Sex with Haruka helped her handle her "curse." Kureha changes her misandrist attitude when she has sex with Rekka and Tsukikage's scars didn't bother him at all when he has sex with her and they become lovers.
  • Straw Feminist: Kureha doesn't like that the Crimson Lotus is led by Rekka. She changes her mind when Rekka kills Burai who easily defeated her.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: Haruka and Tsukikage when they had sex with Rekka.
  • Tragic Monster: The friendly gremlin in the first OVA is forcibly mutated into a giant rampaging demon by the Black Steel.
    • Yama after regaining her memories.
  • Ultimate Lifeform: Yama was supposed to be this according to Gennai. However she is easily slain by Akagane who calls her pathetic.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: The fact Tsukikage was heavily scarred did not change how Rekka felt about her and they still had sex.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Black Steel hunt down demons friendly or not and accuse the Crimson Lotus of being soft. This is understandable due to many demons attacking villages and raping women. However in the third and final OVA, it's becomes inverted when it's revealed that they are responsible for the demons due to experiments to fuse demons and humans into one.
  • Women Prefer Strong Men: Rekka is incredibly muscular due to his training in the Crimson Lotus and has had sex with three different members of his team, including the misandrist, Kureha.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Tsukikage seemingly sacrificed herself to help Rekka escape after she showed a massive wound on her chest. She survives and becomes Rekka's lover.