What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?/Web Original

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What Do You Mean These Web Original Works Weren't Made on Drugs?

  • Kony 2012 - the news article here says that the director's family denied allegations of being on drugs or alcohol. Though, to be fair, he was seen running through the streets of San Diego in his underwear.
  • Not YouTube, Yooouuu Tuuube. Take any video from YouTube and chuck it here. For example: this + YooouuuTuuube = whooooaa.
  • Anything from Rather Good. For example, Bunnies love USBcells.
  • An educational short dubbed from Portuguese, entitled Island Of Flowers. It had such moments as an Overlong Running Gag audio matched to visuals of the Holocaust, describing everything from the perspective of Humans Through Alien Eyes (including explaining what water is), having a shriek of pain when someone jabbed a model of a human brain, and so on. It was nine minutes of bipolar, nightmarish and hilarious non-sequiturs that vaguely segued into a message about garbage in the last minute or so. Watch it here, for we must share the hilarious yet horrifying imagery. At one point it described a History test. The visual for a question about Genghis Khan was a picture of Mozart, and the visual for a question about Mesopotamia was a picture of California. This movie was shown as part of the curriculum for a college course on Human Ecology.
    • It's brilliant. The "vaguely segued into message about garbage" is the whole point of the movie. The Island Of Flowers is a place where poor people have to eat out of the trash, after pigs rummaged through it. That is, they get to eat what the pigs didn't want themselves.
  • Similar to the above, but less balls-out insane: Look Around You. The entire series is on YouTube. It appears to be from the late 70's, and is a rather odd parody of British educational programming. By "rather odd," I mean "Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo" level insanity.
    • It was actually made around 2005 for BBC 2. The 70's look is amazingly spot-on.
    • And the "Helvetica Scenario" from the pilot episode, "Calcium", is grade-A horror.
  • Although alcoholic "grape juice" is a recurring gag in the blog novel Fartago, and although author Tony Caroselli admits to frequently enjoying red wine, he also adamantly and persistently insists he only once tried to write any of it while any drunker than "very slightly buzzed" and found it so impossible to keep track of the dialogue style of the writing that he had to sleep it off and try again in the morning.
  • The crew behind Loading Ready Run has often dealt with accusations of drugs being behind some of their videos, despite never having written on a script on anything more than alcohol (and rarely that, especially after the editing process). The crew finds people jumping to the conclusion of drugs over them just naturally being funny a tad annoying, especially after every week for 6 years.
  • Cinemassacre's Munky Cheez.
  • Let's see. Channel Awesome has a nostalgic reviewer that led a takeover of a micronation in Nevada, a hobo reviewer who openly admits to being on drugs, one video game reviewer who lives in a space station with a clone army, another who's a clone of his dead Black Lantern true self, and a comic book reviewer that has Sentai powers. The last two, plus one anime/cartoon reviewer, have evil dopplegangers. Anyone who tunes into this site for the first time is going to guess the creators are on really heavy drugs or are a bunch of uber-dorks. It's the latter.
  • The Laziest Men On Mars - The Terrible Secret of Space. It was derived from an IRC prank that the creators were involved in.
  • The famous "Double Rainbow" meme by Yosemite Bear (real name Paul "Bear" Vasquez). Unlike many other examples on this page, however, it's not because the video is surreal or trippy. It's because...a guy sees a double rainbow. Instead of simply looking at it, or maybe taking a picture of it, he shoots a video of it and rants and raves about how amazing the phenomenon is, holding the camera shakily, all the while crying and moaning as if he were having an orgasm? And then he posts the video on the Internet?...Yeah.
  • The web series Battle for Dream Island, which is apparently a reality series where the contestants are anthropomorphic versions of common everyday household and/or natural objects.
  • Snooki suddenly woke up, and raised her arms. "My pretties, my children." she said in a frightening voice. "Kill them, kill them all so that our species may conquer this world!"
  • Cracked.com's The 5 Most Aggressively Crazy Websites on the Internet lists a few. Mark Hill compares Boohbah, for instance, to "the findings of a scientist adding LSD to baby food."

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