Aesop Rock/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced - The announcement of Skelethon, Aesop's first solo record in five years. And again when "Zero Dark Thirty", the first single from it, dropped.
  • Broken Base - Almost to the point of having a Fan Dumb, if Aes ever sold out and when he did it are hot topics among the fandom, to the point where there are almost as many answers as there are fans.
  • Take That - Quite a few, but they're usually hidden among as many layers of metaphor as everything else, making it hard to tell who he's take thatting against.
    • "We're Famous" with El-P is one against rapper Esoteric.
  • True Art Is Incomprehensible - Subverted to a degree, most of his lyrics sound outright nonsensical until you learn the metaphors he uses again and again, at which point you'll begin to get meaning out of them.
  • Viewers Are Geniuses - Arguably applies, not only that, but it's a good thing in this case, as it makes his songs multilayered and easy to interpret in different ways. As usual, YMMV.