• In the episode "A Star Is Lost," after Gadget telling her about his new assignment to protect rock star Rick Rocker from MAD, the usually calm and level-headed Penny briefly turns into a squeeing fangirl, shaking Gadget by his collar to get him to take her with him.
  • Gadget acting drunk after someone drugs his drink in "A Race To The Finish," to the point where he starts doing donuts on the racetrack.
  • Gadget's horrifically bad attempt at flying a rickety airplane in "Photo Safari," starting with this exchange:

Penny: Are you sure about this Uncle Gadget?
Gadget: No problem, Penny! The nice mechanic said any fool could fly this plane!

    • And fly it he does. Upside down, sideways, through buildings and nearly into the ground, all before leaving the runway area. What really makes it hilarious it is Penny and Brain's shell shocked reactions, though - while Gadget's whistling and singing, completely oblivious to the danger they were just in as usual, Brain's freaking out and Penny frozen to her seat looking like she's having trouble not joining him.
  • Don't forget this scene from "All That Glitters"

Dr. Claw: You're supposed to be disposing of Gadget.
Mook: I've only got two hands.
Dr. Claw: What!? HOW DARE YOU!

  • Most of Claw dealing with his idiot henchmen, but especially this from "Haunted Castle," after a backfiring trap sends a minion into the drip.

Dr. Claw: What were you doing in the moat?
Henchman: "Well... uh... Well, I... uh...
Dr. Claw: What happened to Gadget?
Henchman: Well, uh... I don't know, sir...
Henchman: Well, I'm not sure...


  • In a movie filled with groaners, when Gadget is battling the evil Robo-Gadget, he's hanging over the edge, holding on by his tie:

Robo-Gadget: Hey Gadget — it's a clip-on!

  • "Somebody's been watching too many Saturday morning cartoons!"