• Daichi runs a truck off an overpass and hits Dubhe with it, which not only severely cripples it, but strips it of its Nigh Invulnerability, allowing the rest of the team to Curb Stomp Battle what's left.
    • After spending a huge portion of the game being a male Yuzu expy, the end of his Fate link has him saving Hinako from ten enemy squads One-Man Army style and casting aside his Cowardly Lion persona in the process.
  • Jungo's introduction consists of him kicking ass and taking names.
    • Jungo once again shows what he's made of when he realizes that a cat he's taking care of is in danger of being killed by demons. The only way to describe what happens is "Curb Stomp Battle."
  • The Dragon Stream gets one taking out Mizar. After a very long, agonizing Why Won't You Die? fight in which it does everything to avoid dying, the dragon starting eating the remains. Unfortunately, Mizar starts reproducing like a rabbit to avoid dying, but the dragon pulls the same trick with it's own head to keep swallowing the clones, and eventually manages to outrace Mizar and completely devour it.
  • Fumi smacks down Trumpeter--using a bunch of laptops--when it refuses to cooperate.
  • The True Ending is just awesome. As the universe goes back to 8 days ago, each one of the characters express their goodbyes to the Protagonist. The endint credits of this ending actually does show how each one of them continued their lives.
  • Whether or not you think Ronaldo is a crazy Knight Templar or not, you have to admit the man is a total badass. He's able to turn a small band of rioters into a force capable of taking on JP's, can easily wreck your team the first time you fight him, and can take down the third Septentrione by himself. However, as the game goes on, Ronaldo becomes more and more obsessed with defeating Yamato that he ends up being more ruthless than his foe. Until you reach the end of his Fate route and find a group of JP's about to be killed by demons. He's almost about to leave to their fate when you ask him if this is justice. Ronaldo realizes what he's done, turns around, and kicks the demons' collective asses. Later on, you find just after he's beaten a member of JP's. The soldier expects to be killed, but Ronaldo just lets him go, knowing the guy's just doing his job. Heck, he's even willing to extend the hand of friendship to Yamato, who earlier Ronaldo wanted to kill. This turnaround from Knight Templar to true hero is Ronaldo's true moment of awesome, and even Yamato recognizes him as worthy at the end.