Don't like the Canon Discontinuity the writers introduced in your favorite storyline? Something stupid never actually happened? Got a favorite element from the Expanded Universe that you just know in your heart is Canon? Forget the MST3K Mantra. Don't relax.

Go on The Internet and fight for your right to participate in determining show canon! Perpetrate interminably long tracts and holy wars on the Internet. This is Canon Wank-ing at its finest.

Compare Continuity Snarl, which this tries to fix, and Continuity Porn, which is the writers trying to address this. Contrast Headcanon, which is similar but good-natured and doesn't demand it be proven to the unwashed masses.

Ascended Fanon is the Holy Grail of this activity.

Examples of Canon Wank include:

Comic Books

Live Action Television

  • The Whoniverse is such a complete Continuity Snarl that it's only through severe Canon Wank (often in essay form) that people can begin to put things in order.
  • Star Trek. Sort of. Most of ST's canon is straightforward enough other than that Abrams thing, time paradoxes excepted, which always work out in-arc. The Enterprise relaunch novels may attract this though due to avoiding Trip's death in the last TV episode.

Video Games


  • In Tumblr, there are many blogs in the form of "The [adjective/identity tag] character of the day", allegedly to compile "Headcanons" about gender, sexual orientation, or any possible disorder popular characters may have, and invariably most of them ends degenerating into this. It can be easily identified by repetition of the snowclone "Sorry, [Character] is [identity], I don't make the rules".