Toxic OCT is an Original Character Tournament currently on its final round, a surprisingly three way race for the gold, hosted on Deviant ART. The setting is basically a Garden of Evil.

Don't you wish you paid more attention to the environment?

Storyline is quite simple: A wide variety of characters are asked by one of four Guardians to help them to save their world from a creature named Toxen who has taken away their king. The name is a pun of the word "toxin", so his (its?) powers are quite obvious.


Fin - Guardian of Fire, and a former king

Mother - Guardian of Plants and Life

Grivor - Guardian of Earth

Aiga - Guardian of Water

Maeve - Guardian of Air

Tropes used in Toxic OCT include:

The Official Contestants


  • Creator: Artic-Moon Intro: [1] [dead link]
    • Gender Blender Name: Ethel is a 44 year old superhuman disguised as a normal business man. But Ethel is still a girl's name.
      • Although it is a codename, his original name is Jay Garfield.
      • In his defense, Ethel means "strong man" in Turkish.
    • Adorkable: Face it. He's just a big, old teddy bear.
    • Super Strength: His main ability.
    • Submissive Badass: Submissive first, but when the situation calls for it, he can take on the Badass Leader role.


Dot G. Kacher and Miles Lawrence

Gabija Weston


  • Creator: Kat-a-line Intro [5]
    • Magic Mushroom: Mycolo's a person who's species originate from mushrooms.
    • Berserk Button: Mistake Mycolo for a woman and you'll be dealing with one pissy mushroom.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mycolo is definitely a jerk, but he does seem to care about others to a certain degree.
      • He saves Gabija from drowning (This is canon in Kat-A-Line's entries) and hands her off to Sa-Rang for medical treatment in exchange for a piece of mushroom from his head. Unfortunately he didn't even bother telling Sa-Rang that he was EXTREMELY poisonous and using a piece of himself for one of her potions would more than likely end up killing someone. Whoops!


Draco-Vampiress and Chase


Viola Frisk

White Liquid


Nevermind and Myren jr.

  • Creator: Britbau Intro [12]
    • Ambiguous Gender: Nevermind's entire species, though Nevermind thinks itself as a male.
    • A Boy and His X: Myren jr. essentially brings out the best in Nevermind... Though it's more like an alien and his egg.

Argent and Solune



Nightly and Mr. Giggles

Gaby and Picte

Ralphonzo Lensworth

  • Creator: Clock-workable Intro [18]
    • Knight in Sour Armor
    • Handicapped Badass: He has only one arm, one eye and a broken leg, But is still a capable fighter.
    • Asexuality: Clock has stated outside the OCT that Ralph is Asexual.
    • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Ralph may be a jerk, and sarcastic, pragmatic when it comes to helping strangers. But it's implied that deep down, he's very loyal to the people he cares about.


Necro and Cadi

Pogo Solvent


  • Creator: Dudumsomnium Intro [22] [dead link]
    • Butt Monkey - Locke is pretty much the epitome of bad luck. He's a big klutz and always manages to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, and is often the butt of jokes. Because of this, he has just about zero self-confidence and goes into ridiculous depressive mood swings.


Shink and Bossle

Sa-rang and Pyong Hwa

Sparky and Clair



  • Creator: Nightshadered Intro [28]
    • Don Quixote: Edgar thinks that he's a knight, city where he lives is a kindgom, citizens are peasant and Grivor is a king.



  • Creator: Charanty Intro [30]
    • Ambiguous Gender - Alva's species reproduce through a form of telepathy so in it's case both versions are correct.
    • Unicorn: Well, Alva doesn't exactly look like one but indirectly creator points out that it might be a unicorn.
    • Also a case of serious Ghost Amnesia.
    • Not only Dead All Along but also Dead to Begin With: Alva's afterlife was far from quiet rest.


Monte and Twosets