The Big O/Fanfic Recs

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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for The Big O Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

Do warn when a fanfic may head into sexual[1] or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

7Moondance's Fanficton,[2]

  • Recommended by Sneebs
  • 7Moondance's work is a bit of a mixed bag, with of his (her?) earliest stories being limp one-off jokes at best. However, the aforementioned attempts to pen a third season feel quite loyal to the parent material in both tone and characterization. So far The consistency of character voice and imaginative attempts to mix both the Mind Screw finale of the series with basic elements of a typical episode of Big O quite delightful. I almost wish this could be used to produce an OVA of the third season: there's quite a lot going on here and its quite worth the while. I truly wish the 7Moondance had continued; these stories have the momentum and gut of the orignal source, making them top-grade fanfiction.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

London Bridges by makrothumia

  • Recommended by Coppelia Martyrdom
  • Synopsis: A look into a household moment in which Dorothy wakes Roger up (again), Roger is attacked by his door, and he blames the matter on his android.
  • Comments: Absolutely fantastic. The author captures Roger and Dorothy's love-hate relationship perfectly, and the inclusion of Norman is a nice touch. Makrothumia also knows how to incorporate smart, inventive comedy into her writing while highlighting on the characters themselves.

Choices by Zola 1

  • Recommended by: Sneebs
  • Synopsis: A Dark Fic toying with the mindscrewy implications of the series' Final season. Dorothy ruminates within the Big O as Roger's life winds down.
  • Comments: A dark little musing into the what-if nature of the series and how they translate into the life of one Roger Smith. All of them, one after the other.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Waiting by Zola

  • Recommended by Coppelia Martyrdom
  • Pairings: Roger/Dorothy.
  • Synopsis: "One of the wonderful things about The Big O is that it is so open-ended that there's plenty of room for alternate realities and speculation. I already wrote one piece that explained why history kept being reset in Paradigm, and this is another possibility."

Not Such a Hard Question by Gilded Lily

  • Recommended by Coppelia Martyrdom
  • Pairings: Minor Roger/Dorothy.
  • Synopsis: Dorothy asks Roger about her second Heaven's Day in Paradigm.
  • Comments: Very, very short, but the way it's written is almost poetic in its open-ended and rhythmic quality. One wishes it were longer, but the fic is still a warm, unique piece.

Behind Dark Shades by Kaleida

  • Recommended by Coppelia Martyrdom
  • Pairings: Minor Roger/Dorothy.
  • Synopsis: When Roger returns from a job, appearing irritated and hurt, Dorothy must discover the reasons behind such a strange reaction.

Back to The Big O
  1. please note this includes all sexual activity, not just homosexual or bisexual, including het.
  2. in particular Act 27: Roger the Amnesiac, Act 28:Transplants, Act 29: R Smith Take Three and Act 30: Masquerade