
Characters from Superman include:


Superman / Superboy I


AKA: Clark Kent / Kal-El


You needn't be afraid of me. I won't harm you.

Superman Action Comics #1

Rocketed away from Krypton as it was destroyed by its own internal pressures a small ship carried an infant across the stars. Eventually this ship would land in Kansas in the middle of America's heartland where it would be found by a loving couple, Johnathan and Martha Kent. And so the legend of the worlds greatest hero began. The child, Kal-El, was sent to earth by his father to escape Krypton's destruction. Earth was chosen as its yellow sun would empower young Kal-El, named Clark Kent by his adoptive parents, while giving his powers and abilities beyond normal human beings.

Clark's adoptive parents would instill within him a strong sense of compassion, decency, and an understanding of right and wrong. Though his childhood was difficult, as a virtual god moving among men, Clark never let life's challenges get him down. By the time he had come of age and decided to leave his home, Smallville, he was resolved to use his incredible gifts to help as many people as he could.

Based in Metropolis, the city of tomorrow, Clark would create the identity of Superman and while Metropolis was his new home, he would travel around the world helping people in need, stopping catastrophes and natural disasters, and bringing those who would harm others out of their own selfish desires to justice. In time Superman would become the standard by which every hero is measured. Beloved by the world, he would gladly lay down his life to save to earth and it's people.


Asmodel: How?! How can you withstand the scouring light of heaven?! Only the purest of souls can gaze upon this flame and not be driven mad!!

    • In Action comics #773, Ra's Al Ghul tried to use alchemy involving the Lazurus pit and the earth's Ley Lines to conjure up the spirit and embodiment of Gaia herself. His plan was to use her to cull humanity and force them to submit to nature's power. Gaia was not happy with Ra's plans and noted that he was hollow and empty inside while not being a fit vessel for her spirit and power. She casts him out before turning her attention to Superman and she almost sounds like she's found her soul mate. Superman was later able to send her back into the earth and resolve the situation.

Ra's Al Ghul: I have served you loyally since the dawn of civilization!! Betrayed my own world to free you!! I am your perfect mate!!
Gaia: You are empty. Empty, save for a void that would consume me as it has consumed you.
Ra's Al Ghul: NOOOO!!
Gaia: (talking to Superman) But you...rarest of elements...Pure. Full...Loving and loved. You can heal me...


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