Fridge Brilliance

  • In Episode 7, Fred believes that all guys are cold and heartless. He got that from his father.
  • The reason that people do criminal activities in costumes in Crystal Cove is because that they won't get caught by the police because they support the tourism.
  • The gang's relationship troubles seem to be dividing them. This would seem to imply that the gang is splitting up.
    • They did. And let's recall episode 11 and what Velma said. Now who do you think has caused most of the tension out of the five members of the group in the last two episodes?
  • It was baffling that the gang STILL can't figure out that the "monsters" are people in costumes (usually). After watching episode 11, realization came that they have these beliefs because the adults of the town also share the same ideas. There's also the fact the monsters in this series are the most realistic to date. The guys making suits in this one are frighteningly good at it.
  • The criminal's identity in "The Mystery Solvers Club State Finals" being The Funky Phantom makes so much sense in hindsight. After all, usually the criminal is someone pretending to be a ghost.
  • Averted in episode 17: the perp in the episode was neither ghost nor monster. Just the deranged survivor of a long forgotten family.
  • Episode 19 had the mermaid being a professional swimmer. It seems so farfetched but then you have to realize that swimmers have to be really good at holding their breaths and have lots of upper body strength. Notice that the mermaid was able to climb the ladder so well; she had the upper body strength to pull herself up.
  • Episode 20 shows Fred and Daphne discussing Flim-Flam, with Fred mentioning he was away that summer, referencing The Thirteen Ghosts of Scooby-Doo. If that series is included in the continuity of Mystery Inc, that explains why the gang is always afraid of the bad guys despite the fact it's always a guy in a mask - they've encountered real ghosts before.
    • Why is Sheriff so weepy about The Mayor being the Freak? Not only has he done very heinous crimes, but Sheriff has to arrest his own boss. Since the Mayor took the kid away for 17 years, then the Mayor won't likely be let off so easily. Sheriff's gonna have to live with the fact that he arrested the man that gave him his job!
    • Frank Welker voices the Freak of Crystal Cove, the Monster turns out to be Fred Jones Senior.
    • Fred and his dad look nothing alike. This hints at the fact that Mayor Jones is not Fred's real father.
    • When the Freak saves Fred's life, he just pauses and stands there for a second before turning to run, almost as if he didn't quite know what he was doing. He didn't. Mayor Jones' subconscious "better side" in the Sitting Room acted up when he heard his son's cries for help.

Fridge Horror

  • Don't know if this could count as much, but in the pilot episode, we see a museum showing the costumes of some of Mystery Inc's Roques Gallery, including Charlie the Funland Robot. Unlike the other villains, Charlie wasn't a man in a costume, he was an actual android. At the end of his debut episode, he gets reprogrammed to act more friendly. This implies that even after his redemption, his creator, the caretaker, eventually shut him down for good and sold him to a museum.
  • Though the Gator family were probably saying it to deliberately frighten the gang, Gretta says something along the lines of "or anything that sounds like a body being dragged across a hard wood floor..." about reasons to not leave the rooms, again, probably trying to deliberately scare them, but given how utterly messed up they are...
  • When Alice May was dressed as the prom ghost, she got awfully touchy-feely with her date before she kidnapped him. Now, since nobody was around to see it, that's not even part of the prom ghost charade--it's just Alice May herself. Considering the later revelation that she kept him captive and tied up for days...what do you think she was doing to him in that time?
  • If the vampire hadn't unmasked herself at the end of episode 11, Daphne would've unintentionally commit murder.
  • The way the Cicada Ronster, I mean Monster attacks with hundreds of bugs covering your body... Well you get the idea.
    • and she was about to kill her own husband!
  • Episode 21 has Mr. E and Angel Dynamite talking about the old Mystery Inc. Mr. E notes that they won't be able to save them as long as Fred is around. And in episode 10, Professor Pericles warns Fred to watch out for his dad. Now Fred's Dad in episode 21 has been found Searching on a map and rummaging through his son's room. I just have a very very VERY bad suspicion that, well...Fred is somehow gonna die cause he's somehow connected to this.
    • One of the main characters dying? Dunno about would bring a virtual end to the franchise as we know it. It may indicate why Mayor Jones was so keen on his son being devoured by a swarm of cicadas--Fred is the only person standing in the way of him and the Haunted Treasure.
    • Except what is Fred's full name? Fred Jones JR, so who's to say Mr. E is referring to the younger Fred?
    • And now we can officially stated that the Mayor has done evil deeds. He took Fred away from his parents when he was a baby. Realize what the Mayor has done and now know he is probably irredeemable at this point!
  • Episode 21 also has Mr. E discovering who has the piece from episode 17. Fred gave it to Shaggy and Scooby cause they were the last people who'd have it. and thus this gives Mr. E the chance to manipulate Scooby and states that he won't betray him like Pericles did. Something tells me that things won't end well.
  • Episode 26 has Shaggy's mom telling her son that they're taking Scooby to a farm while He goes to military school. The question is, is it really a farm with cute animals? Or is she implying that Scooby is going to be put to sleep? Okay yeah, they aren't going to kill off the star of the franchise, but even to suggest it will happen is pretty crazy.
  • In the haunted mansion episode, the youngest and only surviving member of the Darrow family lived alone for years, claiming his family died over time. What happened to the bodies? Did they really die over time? or was it that they all died at the same time and his memories blocked it out?
  • Before The Reveal in Episode 26, particularly observant fans noted that Mayor Jones is a little TOO cold to Fred. Even pushing selfishness Up to Eleven, he shows less concern for Fred than a biological parent should be capable of, as well as the fact that Mayor Jones has black hair while Fred has blonde - a genetic impossibility. This led several to speculate that Fred wasn't really his son long before the episode aired. Guess what - they were right.
    • By the end of the series, one realizes Mayor Jones' lack of concern for Fred was likely fueled by the hope that Fred would get killed. Why? Because Mayor Jones' entire dominant personality is corrupted by the curse and his good side is literally trapped in his subconscious. But raising Fred made the good side respond and grow to love Fred. The evil personality in control of Mayor Jones thus fights against his inner goodness by actively trying to place Fred in harm's way and hopefully remove Fred from the equation altogether, since he KNOWS that his good side's care for Fred will be his undoing. And in the end, this is absolutely true, as the only reason Mayor Jones gets caught is because he stops to save Fred's life.

Fridge Logic

  • Notable because it was intentional. When Alice May was caught, she revealed that she was the daughter of the Creeper from the original series, and is trying to avenge him. In her flashback, it shows her as a young girl when the gang caught her father, when she is the same age as they are. It is revealed that the whole story is fabricated as she is employed by Mr. E. They expected the gang to realize the Fridge Logic in a few days. Ironically, they don't, and still refer to her as the Creeper's daughter when they see her again. It must have taken all Alice May had not to laugh at them there and then.
  • Episode 13 -- Why was Scooby in the classroom, anyway? Even the teacher wondered about this!
  • Episode 26 has Mayor Jones stare sadly at a picture of his wife/Fred's mom. We later find out that she's from a magazine and Mayor Jones was never married. Fred was stolen from Brad and Judy from the original Myster Inc. So why is he staring so lovingly Perverse Sexual Lust?
    • It could be just 'What am I doing?' because he's using that picture as a lie to hide what he's done. It's up to interpretation but that could've been foreshadowing that he really did 'care' about his 'son's safety.
    • If he IS listening to an inner conscience, then it gets shut up pretty quickly. He dons The Freak costume minutes later to protect his secrets.
  • In episode 26, we learn that the first piece of the Planispheric Disk is recovered by the original Mystery Inc. some 20 years prior in the caverns beneath Crystal Cove. However, Pericles is later said to have acquired the coordinates that lead them underground using information gleaned from the Planispheric Disk pieces in the possession of the current Mystery Inc. and Mayor Jones. In other words, he got the coordinates off of the two pieces that they didn't yet have!
    • Until you realize that he's a Magnificent Bastard and probably wrote that well after the fact as a lure to bring the original back under his control.