Reincarnation (video game)

Reincarnation is a series of online point-and-click Adventure Games made by B Group Productions. The story is about Hell, which is slightly different than you would expect in that there is a built-in way to escape: portals to the mortal realm are scattered throughout Hell, and any soul who finds one is reincarnated and given a chance to atone for their sins, thus moving on to Heaven. When enough souls have escaped, God can shut down Hell for good. To prevent this from happening, Lucifer ("Luke" for short) sends his demons to the human realm to catch the "Reincarnies" before they can turn good and send them back to Hell.

There are three full-length games in the series:

  • A Demon's Day Out
  • Riley's Out Again
  • Let The Evil Times Roll

And ten "mini" adventures:

  • Out To Sea You Die
  • A Hillbilly Holiday
  • In The Name Of Evil
  • The Clergy Of Unholy
  • The Backfire Of Hell
  • All Hallow's Evil
  • A Taste of Evil
  • The Evil Next Door
  • The Final Happy Hour
  • Bloody Bayou
  • Loving Every Evil Triumph

The games can be found on the creators' blog, as well as on gaming sites such as Newgrounds and Kongregate.

Not to be confused with the trope of the same name.

Tropes used in Reincarnation (video game) include:
  • Adventure Narrator Syndrome: "This door seems to be locked."
  • All Crimes Are Equal: Although many installments do feature murder as the vice of choice of the reincarnies, it's not actually necessary; as long as the demon finds evidence that the Reincarny still bears ill will towards their fellow man, he'll call it good. Shitting in the deep fryer at work: gross, but more importantly, evil enough for the demon to engineer a gruesome "accidental" death. The plot to sell children into slavery and drugging an altar is also enough to be considered evil by the demon’s standards.
  • All There in the Manual: A digital comic, first available for the iPhone then included for free with The Clergy Of Unholy, explains why the Reincarnies would return to their evil ways after having experienced Hell: they lose all memories of Hell when they leave.
  • Anti-Poopsocking: The minis. The regular games aren't much longer.
  • Art Evolution: Characters, animations and backgrounds become more detailed as the series goes on.
  • Asshole Victim: None of the reincarnies change their ways upon returning to Earth.
  • Back From the Dead
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: Seen in Riley's Day Out, The Backfire Of Hell and All Hallow's Evil.
  • Crapsack World: A world where people are escaping from hell in adult bodies and killing people probably isn't the safest world to live in.
  • Date Rape Averted: Mission in The Final Happy Hour.
  • Dead Demon Fetus Comedy
  • Domestic Abuser: One Reincarny beats his wife for cooking him opossum for dinner. That's all the proof the demon needs to send him back to Hell.
  • Eats Babies: When examining a Demon Fetus in Riley's Out Again, the protagonist casually quips that they're quite tasty.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: Worse for that hillbilly, at any rate.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He may love doing evil things since his jobs to captures reincarnies who are hasn't repent, but he wouldn't have a picture of himself in his bedroom since that's too arrogant even for him.
  • For the Evulz: The demons love their work.
    • Ironically, while getting the reincarnies back to hell in order for Luke to keep his place in business, the demons are making the world safer by doing so though he has to allow the innocent become bait for a reincarny before he can precede.
  • Guide Dang It: Out To Sea You Die, if you don't know Morse Code.
  • Large Ham: Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for evil!
  • Like a Badass Out of Hell: Subverted. Escaping hell is surprisingly easy. Staying out of it, on the other hand...
  • Invisible to Normals: Averted. The demons must go to great lengths to avoid being seen. Fortunately, humans apparently don't seem to have any peripheral vision.
  • Make It Look Like an Accident
  • Mind Over Matter: The demons are telekinetic, but can only manipulate small objects.
  • Never Hurt an Innocent: The demons aren't allowed to kill anyone other than Reincarnies. Frogs don't count, I guess...
    • However, they are allowed to let Reincarnies harm innocents in order to prove that they're still evil.
  • No Name Given: But if the demon from A Demon's Day Out had one, it would be E V I L !
    • Also, several of the Reincarnies.
  • One-Gender Race: All the demons seem to be male. "Demon fetuses" have appeared (and explicitly grow up to become demons), but where they come from is unclear.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Just not from each other.
    • And in The Clergy Of Unholy, the demon reveals, "Of course I can enter churches! I just hate it."
  • Pedophile Priest: Saul, the Reincarny in The Clergy Of Unholy.
  • Quick Time Event: Used in Riley's Out Again to avoid being spotted by a schoolboy. Catching the plague locusts in Let The Evil Times Roll counts as well.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: The series is very far toward the cynical side. Even if the average people are much better than the damned characters the player deals with, the games still suggest that redemption can be a dangerous false hope and that bad people tend to never change. Recidivism is very high in a world where escaped damned souls can't seem to go a single week after their escape without killing, abusing or raping a random person.
  • Silly Walk: The main character always walks with his arms in a mantis-like pose, as if he's sneaking past something, regardless of the presence of danger.
  • To Dumb To be Reincarnated: You think once the reincarnie is brought to the world of the living, the first thing to do is repent... right.
  • Fifteen Plague Locusts
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: To get the "good" ending in Let The Evil Times Roll, you have to trick Stubbs, a recovering alcoholic trying to get his life back together, into taking up drinking again, then doctor his sign so that it gets him beat up, possibly to death, just so you can prove that Amos is still evil.
    • In A Demon's Day Out you have to fill a poor frog with water to bursting point.
    • In Let the Evil Times Roll to get to the portal, you end up killing a baby demon just so you can feed it to a hell hound. Even worse it's described as only being unconscious.
  • Villain Protagonist
  • Verbal Tic: The demons really love to put emphasis on the word EVIL!
  • Vocal Evolution: The protagonist begins sounding more calm after a certain point in the series.
  • We Need to Get Proof: The first step in every game is to find proof that the Reincarnie is still evil.