Everything's Better with Indexes

(Redirected from Everythings Better With X)

Basically, any trope where X is thrown in to a story to improve it even though X does not contribute to characterization or the plot.

Puppet General Hammond: "Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning."
Stargate SG-1, "200"

Heck, the quote above can fit almost any of these tropes. "X is so much better than without X." So these are tropes where having X around makes everything else better for it. In fact, you might as well have a Crapsack World if you don't have X.

And no, this trope is not about Everything Being Better with the Letter X[1] or the character Index.



These animals are so much better than without these animals. Or, depending on the animal, much worse.

  1. Not necessarily the drug X.